Mastering the Art of Getting a Google Knowledge Panel: Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s digital age, online visibility and reputation are paramount. Whether you’re an individual building your personal brand or a business seeking growth, capturing the attention of your target audience is essential.

What Is a Google Knowledge Panel?

A Knowledge Panel, commonly seen on Google’s search results page, is an informative and visually appealing box that provides users with concise details about a specific person, place, organization, or topic. It serves as a quick-reference hub that offers essential information, images, links, and key facts, often making it unnecessary for users to click through multiple search results to gather relevant details. These panels are generated by Google’s Knowledge Graph, an extensive database that helps Google understand the relationships between various entities on the web.

Why Knowledge Panels are Important?

So far, we have seen what the Knowledge Panel is, but why is it so important? Here are 12 good (if not very good) reasons why the Knowledge Panel is essential for your visibility or your company or brand.

Enhances Online Presence and Reputation: Knowledge Panels boost online visibility and reputation, making it easier for people to find and learn about the entity.

Conveys Credibility and Trustworthiness: A Knowledge Panel suggests credibility and trust, encouraging users to engage with and trust the entity.

Offers Control Over Information: Entities can manage and verify the information presented, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

Facilitates Efficient Self-Presentation: Knowledge Panels provide a streamlined platform for presenting key information, saving time and effort.

Encourages Engagement and Connection: With links to official websites and social media profiles, Knowledge Panels facilitate direct engagement and connections with the audience.

Enhances Brand Recognition (for companies): For businesses, Knowledge Panels prominently display logos and key information, boosting brand recognition.

Provides Direct Access to Resources (for companies): Companies can use their panels to direct users to official websites, increasing website traffic and engagement.

Supports Local Businesses (for companies): For local businesses, Knowledge Panels include location details, aiding physical visits.

Offers a Competitive Advantage (for companies): A well-maintained Knowledge Panel can provide a competitive edge by driving more traffic and conversions.

Gains Customer Insights (for companies): Entities can gain insights into what users are looking for through their Knowledge Panel and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Aids in Crisis Management (for companies): In times of crises or controversies, companies can use their Knowledge Panel to share official statements and control the narrative.

Ensures Consistency and Accuracy (for companies): Companies can ensure that the information presented is accurate and consistent across online platforms.

How Do I Get A Google Knowledge Panel? A Case Study

In this case study, I’ll delve into how I secured my existing Google Knowledge Panel, highlighting my mistakes and strategies that proved successful.

I want to thank Jason Bernad (The Brand SERP Guy) for generously sharing invaluable insights and valuable tips that have been instrumental in my journey.

What I Did Wrong on My Journey to a Knowledge Panel?

Let’s begin with what I did wrong and the pitfalls to avoid, which can significantly prolong the process of acquiring your Knowledge Panel.

In my quest for a Knowledge Panel, I navigated the complexities of sourcing information from platforms like Wikipedia and Wikidata. While it’s generally advised against attempting a Wikipedia page about oneself due to Wikipedia’s stringent guidelines, I chose a different path and created a Wikidata page.

At first, this seemed like a straightforward path to acquiring my Knowledge Panel. It was a seemingly simple process. However, my journey took an unexpected turn. After a few months, my Wikidata page was removed, and with it, I lost my hard-earned Knowledge Panel.

It’s clear that restoring a Knowledge Panel can be much tougher than starting from scratch. In this case, Google saw the removal of my Wikidata page as a credibility and reliability concern.

What I Got Right?

Now, let’s delve into the correct steps I followed during my journey to acquire my Knowledge Panel.

Google Yourself

In this initial step, take the time to search for your name on Google. It’s essential to understand what information Google has compiled about you. Pay close attention to how your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) appears. Identify what information is accurate and relevant, and equally important, pinpoint any inaccuracies or discrepancies that may be present.

Segment Your SERP Page into Pages You Control and Pages You Don’t Control

When referring to ‘Pages You Control,’ it encompasses all pages where you have the authority to modify content directly. 

This includes: 

your LinkedIn Page, 

all your Social Profiles

any websites you manage

When referring to ‘Pages You Don’t Control,’ this refers to other websites where your name has been mentioned but over which you have limited or no direct influence.

Ensuring Data Consistency: The Vital Step to Your Knowledge Pane

Now, we arrive at a pivotal step in the process. To secure your Knowledge Panel, data consistency is the key. The concept is straightforward: Google must encounter consistent information about you across various sources to build trust. You take a significant stride toward your goal by diligently maintaining this consistency in your personal data across multiple sites.

In order to achieve data consistency, I took the following steps:

I crafted a concise self-introduction.

I added this introduction to the following platforms:

My LinkedIn profile, Twitter, and Facebook.

My page on the Wordlift site.

My personal website.

Several other platforms where I have access and can modify data, such as Zoominfo and Crunchbase.”

These actions ensure consistent data across various online sources, which is crucial for gaining Google’s trust. Also, consider using PR efforts to achieve similar results on external websites you can’t manage directly.

Building Authority: Demonstrating Your Credibility

In this step, it’s crucial to back up the claims made in the previous actions. Google needs to be convinced of your expertise and professionalism before granting you a Knowledge Panel.

Achieving authority can be accomplished through various means, and here are some valuable suggestions:

Publishing relevant and valuable content: Share insightful content within your niche. This not only showcases your specialization but also helps Google understand your expertise. When shared through your social channels, it amplifies your reach and impact. Crafting genuinely helpful content often piques people’s curiosity, prompting them to search for more information about you on Google. This heightened interest can significantly contribute to your journey towards obtaining a Knowledge Panel.

Hosting Webinars: Like creating valuable content, conducting webinars can enhance search engines’ understanding of your expertise. They generate curiosity among your audience, prompting them to seek more information about you. Additionally, webinars diversify your Knowledge Panel by incorporating multimedia elements, offering a broader perspective that may include content from platforms like YouTube.

The Role of Structured Data in Obtaining a Knowledge Panel

In addition to the previously mentioned strategies, let’s delve into the crucial role of structured data in harnessing the power of the Knowledge Graph.

Where Should I Implement Structured Data and What Type of Markup is Required?

In my case, I’ve applied structured data to two key pages:

My Entity Page on WordLift

My Personal Website, Particularly the About Page

On both of these pages, I’ve incorporated essential structured data, including:

Utilizing the ‘Person‘ Entity Type: This classification is used to define the type of entity you are, which, in this case, is a person.

Crafting a Description for the ‘Person’ Entity: I’ve ensured that the description aligns with the one used across multiple platforms, creating consistency.

Employing the ‘sameAs’ Property: Within the ‘Person’ Entity, I’ve used the ‘sameAs’ property to list all the previous websites mentioned, such as social media platforms and related sites.

Leveraging the ‘knows’ Property: This is a crucial element that connects the ‘Person’ Entity type with a community of experts in the same industry. This is particularly valuable when Google can corroborate the same information about you on other websites. For instance, if you’ve conducted a webinar with another SEO expert in your industry and utilize the ‘knows’ property, you benefit from the authority of that individual, as Google can retrieve this data from other websites as well. Naturally, this approach will encourage you to create entities for other experts within your industry.

Continuous Optimization of Your Entity Page

Furthermore, it’s crucial to continue curating the information on your pages. This involves adding additional ‘sameAs’ on the structured data level when you have new websites to reference and expanding your ‘knows’ properties as you broaden your network of industry experts.


What is a Google Knowledge Panel?

A Google Knowledge Panel is a concise information box that appears in search results, offering essential details about a person, place, organization, or topic. It’s generated by Google’s Knowledge Graph, simplifying information access.

Why are Knowledge Panels important?

Knowledge Panels boost online presence and trust, convey credibility, offer information control, and enhance brand recognition. They facilitate engagement, provide direct access to resources, and grant a competitive edge.

How can I get a Google Knowledge Panel?

To secure a Knowledge Panel:

Google Yourself to understand your current online presence.

Segment Your SERP Page into controlled (e.g., LinkedIn) and uncontrolled pages (external mentions).

Ensure Data Consistency by maintaining accurate information across platforms.

Build Authority through valuable content and webinars.

Implement Structured Data on your Entity Page and website.

Continuously Optimize your information by updating ‘sameAs’ references and ‘knows’ properties.

What should I avoid in my journey to obtain a Knowledge Panel?

Avoid creating a Wikipedia page about yourself and creating a Wikidata page, as it may lead to complications.

How can I build authority for a Knowledge Panel?

Build authority by sharing valuable content, hosting webinars, maintaining data consistency, and using PR efforts.

What is the role of structured data in obtaining a Knowledge Panel?

Structured data, including ‘Person’ Entity type, ‘sameAs,’ and ‘knows’ properties, ensures organized and consistent information, helping search engines understand your expertise.

Why is continuous optimization important in the Knowledge Panel journey?

Continuous optimization involves updating your information, adding references, and expanding ‘knows’ properties to maintain a relevant online presence and improve Knowledge Panel chances.

Ready to take your website to the next level? Watch this exclusive video tutorial where Jason Barnard guides you through setting up WordLift to unlock the potential of Knowledge Panels!

The post Mastering the Art of Getting a Google Knowledge Panel: Step-by-Step Guide appeared first on WordLift Blog.

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